How is everyone holding up in COVID-19 quarantine? Here is a little video with Dr. Mejia and Alli holding up the fort at our office.  He and Alli Rayner, our Physician Assistant are seeing patients for special medical issues and also doing telemedicine through Doxy.Me.

Click on this link to get in touch:


Our priority is to keep you safe! So we are offering curbside pick up at the office and free delivery to any Jupiter, Tequesta, or Palm Beach Gardens residence. Call us during normal office hours at 561-748-0510 for ordering instructions and delivery or pick up arrangements.

Let us know what other products you need and we can include it in the order.

If you are seeing this after regular office hours, you can fill out the form in the form below and someone from our office will contact you within 24 hours.

Wishing you and your families safety as we move through this pandemic.

Quarantine Self Care Package

Please fill out the form below and someone from our office will contact you for ordering details and arrangements for delivery

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Request A Consult

Call us today at (561) 748-0510 or click the button below to request an appointment!

Request A Consult