Seborrheic keratoses are benign skin growths which typically occur on the trunk and extremities. They typically are classified as waxy barnacles that grow on the skin. I like to refer to these growths as wisdom spots; the more you have the wiser you are. However, most patients do not like to have these growths on their skin. Consequently, there a lot of cosmetic skin treatments that can be used to remove them. Eskata™ is a topical lotion that can be used to help remove them. It is not covered by insurance.

What is Eskata™?

Eskata is a topical cosmetic liquid created for the removal of Seb K. This new cosmetic treatment is very simple and only consists of the applying the product directly to the affected area four times, approximately one minute apart. While this is only a topical liquid, due to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide it must be applied in office by a trained professional. Many patients that participated in clinical trials saw full results within two office visits. Because it is not covered by insurance, the cost per liquid applicator has been reported that the applicators will cost between $200-$250. The approximate use that one could get out of one applicator is enough to treat seven large spots or ten smaller ones for one office visit. Most patients would be able to see full improvement in two visits; however, some may need a touch-up visit. This touch-up visit would most likely only use a small amount of the liquid, leaving a decent amount wasted.

What are My Other Options?

Other treatment options include light scraping or curettage, electrodesiccation, and liquid nitrogen treatments. At Jupiter Dermatology, all of these treatments are performed carefully by our dermatologic team; and can provide very good cosmetic results at a much more reasonable cost. Overall, it is great to see new innovations develop in the field of dermatology. On some occasions, if a sebirrheic keratosis is bleeding or causing significant pain in an area, it may be covered by your insurance.
If you are interested in learning more about the various options available for the removal of seborrheic keratoses and to see if it is covered by your insurance, call our Jupiter, Florida office today to schedule an appointment with one of our dermatologists.
To see the different treatment options, click the link below for the video on seborrheic keratosis.

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