May is Melanoma Awareness Month. May 4th is Melanoma Monday. It is a month where we will be sharing stories and awareness of this deadly disease. The Melanoma Research Foundation has a campaign called #GetNaked . You simply get naked in front of the mirror and do a self skin exam. They are encouraging everyone to share. By sharing the link of this post, the image will show up in your share.
Dr. Mejia will be on WPBF25 News on Monday to speak about melanoma. So if you are local in the Palm Beach area, stay tuned in the news.
If you are on Twitter, on Monday, May 4th the non-profit, Aim At Melanoma will be having a Twitter chat at 8PM EST. All you have to do is follow the hashtag #melanomamonday all day and especially at 8PM where they will be discussing the Melanoma Tissue Bank.
#MelanomaMonday 5/4 5:00-6:00 PST we will hold a #twitterchat about the #InternationalMelanomaTissueBankConsortium
— AIM at Melanoma (@AIMatMelanoma) May 1, 2015
#melanomamonday Tweets
We also compiled some stories and resources from the hashtag #melanomaawarenessmonth from Twitter and Instagram below.
Most importantly, Dr. Mejia’s number one priority is to wear your sunblock. He compiled the ABCDE’s of Melanoma so you know what to watch for.