Reconstructive Surgery After Mohs

Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery

Dr. Mejia was doing a reconstructive surgery on a patient’s nose after the patient underwent Mohs skin cancer surgery. Dr. Mejia performs both procedures. This alleviates the patient from having to go seek another doctor to do plastic surgery after the Mohs. Not only does it save time and stress, it also is cost effective.

Skin-Cancer- Slides

Here Dr. Mejia is checking skin cancer slides to make sure margins are clear.

Antioxidants + Sunblock = Great Protection

This month at Jupiter Dermatology, we are jump starting our S.O.S campaign (Save Our Skin) where we promote sun protection and skin cancer awareness. At Jupiter Dermatology, we carry a wide range of sunblocks and antioxidants (like topical Vitamin-C) that are used to prevent and repair damaged skin.

When you combine Antioxidant with SPF you create the perfect match to neutralize free radicals and combat environmental skin damage that can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, and skin cancer. There is no excuse not to use them, there are sunblocks and serums for each and every skin type.

Oily, dry, sensitive, there is guaranteed to be a regimen that works specifically for your skin. To ensure you get everything you need for your skin this summer, we are offering 30% off all antioxidants when you purchase any sunblock.

Also, in our advanced skin care center, we offer a variety of treatments thatcan also repair damage and help turn back time. With treatments ranging from basic facial treatments, to facial filler injections, to lasers and chemical peels. Our office has the perfect treatment for all skin types with guaranteed results.

Patient Shares Experience With Mohs Surgery

A patient gives a quick testimonial about her experience of undergoing Mohs Skin Cancer surgery. "Wear your sunblock", she says.

Dr. Mejia is passionate about educating everyone on protecting your skin to prevent skin cancer and alleviating the fear of the surgery. Dr. Mejia, a dermatologist in Jupiter, FL is passionate about educating everyone on protecting your skin to prevent skin cancer and alleviating the fear of the surgery. He also specializes in Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery. 
Additionally, he is a Board Certified Dermatologic Surgeon and a member of the American Board Of Dermatology and fellow of American Society for Mohs Surgery.

A Patient’s Testimonial After Mohs

Dr. Mejia has a chat with a patient that underwent Mohs Skin Cancer surgery. Dr. Mejia also does the cosmetic surgery after Mohs so the patient has minimal scarring.

Although the patient was an avid sunbather at a young age, luckily with the Mohs surgery, her condition has been corrected.  Dr. Mejia is passionate about everyone wearing sunblock to prevent skin damage. See our new website for events to promote this.


Skin Cancer Detection

Dr. Mejia discusses the importance of  early skin cancer detection. For many years, this patient thought he had a birth mark on his arm. Unfortunately, it was a basal cell carcinoma and Mohs skin cancer surgery was performed.

Dr. Mejia wants to remind people that if you have a growth that has been there for a long time, get it checked it out.

Skin Cancer & Indoor Tanning

The Indoor Tanning Association and the Federal Trade Commission have recently come to an agreement regarding claims from the Indoor Tanning Association. Many of those claims said they were endorsed by the government. However as dermatologist, we know that indoor tanning and chronic exposure to UV  increases the risk of skin cancer and melanomas, which are a deadly form of skin cancer.

Consequently, new guidelines settled between the Federal Trade Commission and the Indoor Tanning Association now require warning signs that indicate exposure to Ultraviolet Light Radiation may increase the likelihood of skin cancer. Continue reading “Skin Cancer & Indoor Tanning”

PDT & Sunblock Tips

PDT Treatment  or Photodynamic Therapy is completed. The patient shares her experience.. After a Blue Light Treatment, the patient must hibernate and be completely out of the sun for a few days. For this reason, a very strong sunblock is applied.

Additionally, Sarah, our Physician Assistant gives great sunscreen tips to prevent skin cancer. Dr. Mejia, a qualified Mohs skin cancer surgeon will then follow up with attentive care for the results of the PDT.