Cyst removal performed by Dr. Ricardo Mejia on a patient. The procedure is done without shaving the hair or damaging any hair follicles. All hair follicles are preserved and important at Jupiter Dermatology & Hair Restoration.
Author: The Hair Doc
Micro-Needling Procedure
Micro-Needling Procedure Detailed
The SkinPen Micro-needling treatment begins by prepping the skin with a topical numbing agent for 20-30 minutes. After the treated area has been numbed, the skin is cleansed and degreased with Acetone to removed any excess makeup and oils.
To perform the micro-needling treatment, a hyaluronic acid gel is applied to the skin. This is also known as a “slick” which allows the SkinPen to glide smoothly on the skin. While gliding the SkinPen on the skins surface, micro channels are created. These micro channels absorb the hyaluronic acid to boost hydration and fill in fine lines and wrinkles. Micro channels also trigger the healing response to stimulate the production of collagen and rebuild healthy stronger skin.
The end goal of micro-needling is to achieve slight pin point bleeding and even erythema (redness)at the treated area. Once the micro-needling treatment is completed, the skin is cleansed with sterile water and HA Lift and Skin Rescue are applied. The micro channels created remain open for 18-24 hours post treatment. Therefore, no other skin products or makeup should be applied during this time.
Other uses of Micro-Needling?
Micro-needling also benefits patients who suffer acne scarring by helping breakup the scar tissue underneath the skin and penetrating deep into it.
Visit our page with more information on Micro-Needling Here: Micro-Needling Page
Testimonial Charles Adams
Vi Peel Special Event
Join us for a special Vi Peel Event. Give your skin a special treat for soft beautiful glow. ( See below for more before and after pictures)
Date: September 30, 2015
Time: All Day
$100 Reservation Fee (Will be applied to package purchased)
- Bring a friend and receive a free gift (Free IPL certificate)
- Purchase a package and receive a Bounceback: $25 off of your next service with Daphne
Raffle: Spend $350 or more and enter to win a free Vi Peel ( Two Drawings)
Food: Champagne, Orange Juice, ( Make a Mimosa! ) Finger Sandwiches, Dessert and Fruit
- Package of of 3 Precision
- Includes 3 Microdermabrasions
- Post Peel Kit (Value $35)
- Free Lytera Kit (Value $198)
Flawless Deal Price: $1,050 (Reg. $350 Each)
Total Value: $1,585 – Savings of 40%!!
- Package of 3 Precision
- Included: One (1) 30 minute facial (Value $50)
- Post Peel Kit (Value $35)
- Free Beauty on the Go Palette ($50 Value)
Glow Deal Price: $750 (Reg. $300 each)
Total Value: $1,035 – Savings of 35%!
- Package of 3 Vi Acne
- Included: One(1) 30 minute facial (value $50)
- Post Peel Kit (value $35)
- Free Sunforgettable SPF 50 Mini Brush ($35 Value)
Clear Days Deal Price: $500 (reg. $250 each)
Total Value – $885 – Savings of 40%!
Vi Peel Benefits and Before and After Pictures
Reserve your spot today! Either call Senta at the office at 561-748-0510 or fill out this form and let Senta know what package you are interested in and she will reserve your spot.
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Wart Removal and Treatment Options
In this video, Dr. Mejia talks about wart removal and some of the treatment options. It all depends on what it looks like, how big the wart is, how flat it is and the location.
A simple wart treatment is an over the counter 14% salicylic acid that is applied into the wart. The salicylic acid will slowly peel it away. Another common way to treat it with salicylic acid is to cover it with duct tape so it can penetrate deeper.
If those treatments don’t work, another alternative is to freeze it with liquid nitrogen at a dermatologist office or in some cases surgically remove it by lightly shaving it off and cauterizing it from the base. This is a simple procedure that can be done in the doctor’s office without any discomfort. The dermatologist will usually add some anesthesia which does cause some slight stinging or burning. But once the wart is removed and cauterized, it should not recur.
Colorescience Beauty Routines
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Do more for your skin with Colorescience beauty routines. We carry three different types:
- Matte for acne
- Sensitive
- Correcting for pigment
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Sensitive Beauty Routine
The sensitive beauty routine soothes and neutralizes the skin. It is great if you have had a laser treatment.
Routine includes: Skin Calming Face Primer SPF 20, Mineral Corrector Palette, Hydrating Setting Mist & Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen Brush SPF 50 (Medium)
- Apply 1 pump of Skin Calming Face Primer to your cleansed face.
- Cover your dark spots and imperfections using the guide on the back of the Mineral Corrector Palette.
- Spray Hydrating Setting Mist several times in a clockwise motion.
- Apply Sunforgettable sunscreen in a circular motion over entire face. Reapply every 2 hours for continued protection.
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Correcting Beauty Routine
This routine evens the skin tone and dark spots. It also reduces the appearance of skin discoloration.
Routine includes: Even Up Clinical Pigment Perfector SPF 50, Mineral Corrector Palette, Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen Brush SPF 50 (Medium) & Hydrating Setting Mist
- Apply 1 pump of Even Up to your cleansed face.
- Cover your dark spots and imperfections using the guide on the back of the Mineral Corrector Palette.
- Spray Hydrating Setting Mist several times in a clockwise motion.
- Apply Sunforgettable sunscreen in a circular motion over entire face. Reapply every 2 hours for continued protection.
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Matte Beauty Routine
This routine is wonderful for acne and helps to control shine and oil. It neutralizes redness and blemishes.
Routine includes: Skin Mattifying Face Primer SPF 20, Mineral Corrector Palette, Calrifying Setting Mist, Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen Brush SFP 50 (medium)
- Apply 1 pump of Skin Mattifying Face Primer to your cleansed face.
- Cover your dark spots and imperfections using the guide on the back of the Mineral Corrector Palette.
- Spray Clarifying Setting Mist several times in a clockwise motion.
- Apply Sunforgettable sunscreen in a circular motion over entire face. Reapply every 2 hours for continued protection.
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Contact Senta at the office 561-748-0510 to reserve your beauty routine or fill out this form to reserve or if you have any questions.
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Anti Aging Tips : Dr. Mejia Shares Some Easy Tips
A patient recently asked Dr. Mejia about anti aging and what is the best way to remain natural looking but also working to repair and delay the aging process. There are a couple of key things he emphasizes:
Wear Your Sunblock
One of the worst offenders of aging is ultraviolet light. So the use of sunblock especially those that contain UVA and titanium oxide or zinc oxide which is the physical block. Using sunblock on a daily basis especially when outdoors can prevent the harmful rays from penetrating into your skin and damaging the collagen and elastin which causes premature aging and wrinkling. Continue reading “Anti Aging Tips : Dr. Mejia Shares Some Easy Tips”
How To Get Rid Of Sunspots
In this video Dr. Mejia talks about how to get rid of sunspots. Sunspots are slight brown spots on the surface of the skin that you can hardly feel. They are typically caused by chronic sun damage. Sunspots are not necessarily pre-cancerous to develop into a skin cancer.
They can be treated in a variety of different ways:
- Liquid nitrogen to damage the pigmentation so it slowly goes back to normal.
- Laser treatments that can help soften them.
- Bleaching creams that may help the discoloration if the sunspots are not so apparent.
Melanoma Awareness Month
May is Melanoma Awareness Month. May 4th is Melanoma Monday. It is a month where we will be sharing stories and awareness of this deadly disease. The Melanoma Research Foundation has a campaign called #GetNaked . You simply get naked in front of the mirror and do a self skin exam. They are encouraging everyone to share. By sharing the link of this post, the image will show up in your share.
Dr. Mejia will be on WPBF25 News on Monday to speak about melanoma. So if you are local in the Palm Beach area, stay tuned in the news.
If you are on Twitter, on Monday, May 4th the non-profit, Aim At Melanoma will be having a Twitter chat at 8PM EST. All you have to do is follow the hashtag #melanomamonday all day and especially at 8PM where they will be discussing the Melanoma Tissue Bank.
#MelanomaMonday 5/4 5:00-6:00 PST we will hold a #twitterchat about the #InternationalMelanomaTissueBankConsortium
— AIM at Melanoma (@AIMatMelanoma) May 1, 2015
#melanomamonday Tweets
We also compiled some stories and resources from the hashtag #melanomaawarenessmonth from Twitter and Instagram below.
Most importantly, Dr. Mejia’s number one priority is to wear your sunblock. He compiled the ABCDE’s of Melanoma so you know what to watch for.