In our second episode of our “Couch Convo” series, our Physician Assistant, Ashley Syler talks about the downtime with ResurFX laser resurfacing. Ashley will be available this Saturday, October 3rd and will be offering $100 discount on ResurFX or IPL.
What is ResurFX used for?
- Skin rejuvenation for fine lines and wrinkles
- Improving tone and texture
- Tighten loose skin.
- Helps to stimulate collagen remodeling
- Acne scars
- Cellulite
- Stretch marks
- Blotchy or uneven skin tone
- Brown spots and pigmentation paired with the IPL photofractional treatment.
To see the full demo in action visit this page.
If you have a burning question or subject you would like addressed in a future “Couch Convo” add it in the comment section
In this video, Dr. Mejia discusses a condition called, Mask Dermatitis, related to breakouts associated with mask wearing. A condition that is more prevealent now, due to the COVID-19 virus, and the use of masks.
If you have a burning questions or subject you would like addressed in a future “Couch Convo” just add the question in the comment below.
How is everyone holding up in COVID-19 quarantine? Here is a little video with Dr. Mejia and Alli holding up the fort at our office. He and Alli Rayner, our Physician Assistant are seeing patients for special medical issues and also doing telemedicine through Doxy.Me.
Click on this link to get in touch:
Our priority is to keep you safe! So we are offering curbside pick up at the office and free delivery to any Jupiter, Tequesta, or Palm Beach Gardens residence. Call us during normal office hours at 561-748-0510 for ordering instructions and delivery or pick up arrangements.
Let us know what other products you need and we can include it in the order.
If you are seeing this after regular office hours, you can fill out the form in the form below and someone from our office will contact you within 24 hours.
Wishing you and your families safety as we move through this pandemic.

On April 16th, the FDA announced that counterfeit Botox was sold by an unlicensed supplier who is not authorized to ship or distribute drug products in the United States. The FDA is cracking down on Aesthetic medicine more than ever. Their focus used to be pain management and oxycotin pill mills. Now the focus is on aesthetics realizing how much illegal importation is occurring.
It has been found that doctors, med spas or clinics who order Botox from Canada has been tracked back to India, China or Israel. This is a huge issue because unless a Doctor uses Botox from the only FDA approved company, Allergan, those patients have no idea what they are really getting injected with. (more…)
In this video, Dr. Mejia is asked how to treat hemangioma, the little red spots on your skin. They mostly are benign and are treated with laser. As he says in the video, his number one priority is always medical issues. His philosophy is that you are beautiful just the way you are if it is something you don’t need. We offer cosmetic treatments, but only if you want it to feel better. So stay healthy & beautiful everyone!

We were honored for another year to be a part of the WPBF25 News Health and Wellness Festival in which Dr. Mejia was on stage speaking on Anti-Aging. Ashley Hess, our Physician Assistant also spoke on preventing skin cancer. Dr. Mejia took many questions from the audience ranging from acne, spider veins, hemangioma treatment, hair loss and much more.

Also, this year I was excited to be on stage with Senta Evans, our Cosmetic and Hair Coordinator to introduce Dr. Mejia and Ashley. Throughout the day, many people visited our booth to ask questions, spin the Wheel of Beauty and receive sunblock samples by our whole staff.
We have lots of video and media here on this recap, so I hope you enjoy!
Dr. Mejia’s top tip: Sunscreen is the best thing for anti-aging!
Recap Video: (more…)

Many patients come in to the office to remove skin tags. It is as simple procedure by doing a snip excision. In this demonstration Dr. Mejia performs a skin tag removal on the face, although many people have them under their arms or groin area.
Skin tags are different from moles which can be cancerous and are simply fleshy growths on the skin. They do not need to be removed, but in some cases, if a patient has many, it may cause irritation in the skin. In another post, Dr. Mejia explains the difference between skin tags and moles.
Please note that this video is for educational purposes. Please consult your dermatologist for any skin tag removal.
Skin tags are a fleshy outgrowth of the skin which are usually hanging on the skin. In this video, Dr. Mejia explains the difference between skin tags and moles. Moles are freckles or spots on the skin that have cells which can be normal, like beauty moles or may develop overtime into irregular moles that can develop into melanoma and be very dangerous.
In this other video on our blog, Dr. Mejia did a demonstration of removing a skin tag.

Our patient Renee M was at our office when we did a demonstration of the IPL Treatment and kindly did a nice review of our office and Dr. Ricardo Mejia. She has had various skin cancer treatments. We are so happy that her condition has improved significantly.

If you are looking for a Jupiter dermatologist, we can answer any questions you have prior to your appointment. Simply fill out the contact form and our office manager will contact you within 24 hours.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Juvederm Voluma XC is a modified form of hyaluronic acid that is naturally in your body. It is an injectable targeted to the cheek area to enhance the areas of volume loss due to aging. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a substance that is common in many tissues of the body such as skin and cartilage. It keeps skin moisturized and soft.
Before and After Juvederm Voluma:

Voluma is a game changer when it comes to aesthetics. Instead of looking at your head on to do a consultation, Voluma is more of a three dimensional approach where the doctor looks at the volume loss in the cheeks. Many patients complain about the nasal labial fold and the marionette lines(near the lips) as to what is bothering them, but it is really the volume loss in the cheeks that is causing the issue.
In this video, Dr. Mejia demonstrates the procedure on a patient when we had an open house at the office. Topical numbing was placed on the area prior to the injection. Juvederm Voluma XC also contains a small quantity of local anesthetic.
Some key points about Juvederm Voluma XC:
- It is the only hyaluronic acid that has a two year indication by the FDA.
- It is the #1 filler in the world and it is the fastest growing aesthetic product in the history of aesthetics.
- You can see a 32% reduction in nasal labial folds.
- You can have a 56% reduction in tear trough(below the eyes) just by getting the volume in the cheeks.
The difference between Juvederm Voluma XC and Juvederm:
Voluma has an indication of the cheeks because of the way the product is made. It is a hyla molecular structure. So it is almost like a liquid implant and is specifically designed for the Doctor to inject deep into the bone. Juvederm on the other hand is also a hylarunoic acid, but it is more for soft tissue in the nasal labial folds and the marionette areas and the periorial lines(below the nose).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]
JVDUSA DemoAPC from Allergan on Vimeo.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]